Step 2 Editing of the Contacts
Your task in this step is to modify the existing contacts that were given to you.  These are from the WV State Geo map, as discussed in the overview of the assignment, and they are not exactly right, but we are going to assume all the formations are present.  For our interpretations of the contacts of the formations from the outcrops near the road as a starting point you are to modify the existing contact line boundaries to match these and then extend them away from the road using your understanding of the structure from the strike and dip, and from the DEM and the Worldview image.  That is, look at what defines the contact based on the DEM and image and then try to follow it along strike.  For some of them, like the Martinsburg to Trenton, you will have to just approximate them throughout the map.  For others, like the Tuscarora to Juniata/Oswego, you should be able to see this contact everywhere.  For ones that you don't have outcrop control, like on the NW side of the map, assume all are present.  These should be approximate, but you should follow the topography and the strike and dip, and most definitely update these too.  I showed you photos of most of these formations.  Basically, they are mostly sandstones and are resistant, that is why they make the high topography there, and also why following contacts according to the topography and the strike and dip will be valid. 

The mechanics in GlobalMapper are as follows:
Use the edit tool on the tool on the existing contacts in the GVgeol_lines.shp Layer in our Circleville.gmw project. 

While the edit vertex command is a pain, It might be the least work.  Or you can digitize all new lines, and then assign attributes.  In fact, either way you are going to have to assgin attributes.

Once the contact lines are defined, then you have to make polygons, and assign attributes.  Then fill the polygons by right-clicking your polygon layer. See the GM FAQ for how to do this.  To make your polygons look more like a geologic map go to the Area Styles Tab then the Apply Random Colors to Features button, and use Style Same if Matches MAP_UNIT.  Also choose Select Base Style to make semitransparent.  Finally, change your Color Shader for the DEM to be the Gradient Shader and you will see map units that look like those in the final map shown on Step 3

I will let you figure out how to label the formations with the proper symbols (St, Smc, etc). Right-click the Layer to choose Options> Labels Tab and go from there.

Note, this task must be completed before you can go to Step 3.  Step 3 is due at noon on Fri, so you really need to spend time on this task for the next couple of days.