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Lisa Greer
Dept. of Geology
Rm 123 Science Addition
Washington and Lee Univ.
Lexington, VA 24450
540-458-8870 (office)

540-458-8142 (fax)


GEOLOGY 100: General Geology with Field Emphasis, Fall 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, Spring 2005, 2007

GEOLOGY 102/205: History and Evolution of the Earth, Winter 2004, 2012, 2017

GEOLOGY 105: Earth Lab: Is the Earth Worth Saving? Spring 2013

GEOLOGY 105: Earth Lab: Coral Reefs: Past, Present and Future (Belize), Spring 2012, 2014

GEOLOGY 105: Earth Lab: Geology of the American Southwest, Spring 2009

GEOLOGY 141: Global Climate Change, Fall 2008, Winter 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017

GEOLOGY 160: Field Geology, Spring 2004
GEOLOGY 201/155: Oceanography, Winter 2007, Spring 2008, Fall 2012
GEOLOGY 330: Sedimentation and Stratigraphy, Fall 2004, 2005, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2016, Winter 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
GEOLOGY 373 and 376: Advanced Field Study, Spring 2004, 2009, 2016

Past Courses

GEOSC 20: Planet Earth, Penn State

GEOSC 320: Geology of Climate Change (co-taught with Richard Alley), Penn State

OCE 3014: Oceanography, Florida International University

GSC 240: Marine Geology, MAST Academy (University of Miami college credit course) (Teaching Assistant)

GSC 582: Field Geology, University of Miami (Teaching Assistant)     

GSC 350: Stratigraphy, University of Miami (Teaching Assistant)

GSC 450: Sedimentology, University of Miami (Teaching Assistant)

GSC 120: Environmental Geology, University of Miami (Teaching Assistant)


Ph.D., Marine Geology and Geophysics, University of Miami-RSMAS,  2001     

B.A., Geology, The Colorado College, 1993

Research Interests

My research interests include (but are not limited to!) the following:

Click here for an overview of a collaborative research project with Joshua Stough to develop an automated computer program for recognizing live coral abundance.


Department Head, Department of Geology, Washington and Lee University, 2016 to present

Professor, Department of Geology, Washington and Lee University, Lexington, VA, 2015 to present

Associate Professor, Department of Geology, Washington and Lee University, Lexington, VA, 2009 to 2015

Assistant Professor, Department of Geology, Washington and Lee University, Lexington, VA, 2003 to 2009

Assistant Professor, Department of Geosciences, Penn State University, University Park, PA, 2001-2003

Research Assistant, University of Miami-Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, 1995-2001     

Adjunct Faculty, Department of Geology, Florida International University, Miami, FL, 2000

Researcher (unpaid consultant) for The Nature Conservancy Latin American and Caribbean Division, 1996-2000              

Teaching Assistant, Department of Math and Science, The Maritime and Science Technology Academy Magnate High School, Miami, FL, 1998

Teaching Assistant, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Miami, Miami, FL, 1994-1995


* indicates undergraduate co-author

*Irwin, A., Greer, L., Humston, R., Devlin-Durante, M., Baums, I., Lescinsky, H., Wirth, K., Cabe, P., and Curran, H.A., 2017, Age and intraspecific diversity of resilient Acropora communities in Belize. Coral Reefs, 36(4), 1111-1120, doi:10.1007/s00338-017-1602-9. [PDF]

Devlin-Durante, M.K., Miller, M.M., Caribbean Acropora Research Group (Carne, L., Smith, T., Banaszak, A.T., Greer, L., *Irwin, A., Fogarty, N. Williams, D.), Precht, W.F., Baums, I.B., 2016, How old are you? Age estimates in a clonal animal. Molecular Ecology, v. 25, pp. 5628-5646. [PDF]


*Busch, J., Greer, L., Harbor, D., Wirth, K., Lescinsky, H., and Curran, H.A., 2016, Quantifying exceptionally large populations of Acropora spp. corals in Belize using sub-meter satellite imagery classification. Bulletin of Marine Science, v.92, pp. 265-283. [PDF]

Greer, L., Lescinsky, H., and Wirth, K., 2015, Multi-level characterization of acroporid coral populations at Coral Gardens, Belize: A refugia identified. Proceedings of the 28th Annual Keck Research Symposium. Schenectady, New York, USA. 6 p. [PDF]

Stough, J., Greer, L., and *Benson W., 2012, Texture and color distribution-based classification for live coral detection, Proceedings of the 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns, Australia, 2012, 5 p. [PDF]

*Winsor, K., Curran, H.A., Greer, L., and Glumac, B., 2012, Unusual Holocene Serpulid/Tufa Bioherms, Enriquillo Valley, Dominican Republic: Morphologies and Paleoenvironmental Implications, Palaios. v. 27, 693-706, DOI: 10.2110/palo.2011.p11-118r. [PDF]

Swart, P.K., Greer, L., Rosenheim, B.E., Moses, C.,  Waite, A.J., Winter, A., Dodge, R. and Helmle, K., 2010, 13C Suess effect in scleractinian corals mirror changes in the anthropogenic CO2 inventory of the surface oceans, Geophysical Research Letters, 37, L05604, doi:10.1029/2009GL041397 [PDF]

Greer, L., *Jackson, J., Curran, H.A., Guilderson, T., and *Teneva, L., 2009, How vulnerable is Acropora cervicornis to environmental change? Lessons from the early to mid-Holocene. Geology, v. 37, p. 263-266. [PDF]

*Medley, P., Tibert, N.T., Patterson, W.P., Curran, H.A., Greer, L., and Colin, J.P., 2007, Paleohydrology of middle Holocene lagoonal and lacustrine deposits in the Enriquillo Valley, Dominican Republic: Pore morphometrics and isotope geochemistry of ostracoda. Micropaleontology, v. 53, no. 5, p. 409-419. [PDF]

Greer, L. and Swart, P.K., 2006, Decadal cyclicity of regional Mid-Holocene precipitation as driven by tropical Atlantic sea surface temperatures: Evidence from Dominican coral proxies. Paleoceanography, v. 21, PA2020, doi: 10.1029/2005PA001166. [PDF]

Knapp, E.P., Greer, L., Connors, C.D., and Harbor, D.J., 2006, Field-based instruction as part of a balanced Geoscience curriculum at Washington and Lee University. Journal of Geoscience Education, v. 54, p. 103-108. [PDF]

McConnell, D.A., Steer, D.N., Owens, K.D., Borowski, W., Dick, J., Foos, A., Knott, J.R., Konigsberg, A.,  Malone, M., McGrew, H., Van Horn,   S., Greer, L., and Heaney, P.J., 2006, Using Conceptests to assess and improve student conceptual understanding in introductory Geoscience courses. Journal of Geoscience Education, v. 54, p. 61-68. [PDF]

Greer, L. and Heaney, P.J., 2004, Real-time analysis of student comprehension: An assessment of electronic student response technology in an introductory Earth Science course. Journal of Geoscience Education, v. 52, p. 345-351.[PDF]

Greer, L., 2004, Post-Seattle reflections on a different kind of GSA. GSA Today, v. 14, p. 16. [PDF]

Furman, T. and Greer, L., 2004, Active learning in introductory geoscience courses. , published on the web via Project Kaleidoscope, 5 p.

Glumac, B., *Berrios, L., Greer, L., and Curran, H.A., 2004, Holocene tufa-coated serpulid mounds from the Dominican Republic:  Depositional and diagenetic history, with comparison to Modern serpulid aggregates from Baffin Bay, Texas., Texas. Proceedings of the 11th Symposium on the Geology of the Bahamas and Other Carbonate Regions, p. 49-65.

*Guerard, G. M., Greer, L., and Curran, H. A., 2004, Environmental indicator proxies from a mid-Holocene coral reef, Enriquillo Valley, Dominican Republic.  Proceedings of the 11th Symposium on the Geology of the Bahamas and Other Carbonate Regions, p. 35-48.

Swart, P.K., Price, R.M. and Greer, L., 2001, The relationship between stable isotopic variations (O, H, and C) and salinity in waters and corals from environments in South Florida: Implications for reading the paleoenvironmental record. Bulletins of American Paleontology, vol. 361, p.17-30. [PDF]

Chiappone, M., Delgado, G.A., Geraldes, F.X., Greer, L., Pugibet, E., Rodriguez, Y., Sullivan, K.M., Swart, P.K., Torres, R.E., Tschirkey, J. and Vega, M., 2001, Water quality in Caribbean coastal areas: A case study of Parque Nacional del Este, Dominican Republic. The Nature Conservancy, America Verde Publishers, Arlington, Virginia, 149 p. [PDF]

Chiappone, M., Geraldes, F.X., Greer, L., Kiene, W., Pugibet, E., Rodriguez, Y., Sullivan, K.M., Swart, P., Torres, R.E., Tschirky, J. and Vega, M. 2001, Conservation of coral reefs in marine protected areas: A case study of Parque Nacional del Este, Dominican Republic. The Nature Conservancy, America Verde Publishers, Arlington, Virginia, 244 p.[PDF]

Swart, P.K., Healy, G., Greer, L., Lutz, M., Saied, A., Anderegg, D., Dodge, R.E., and Rudnick, D., 1999, The use of proxy chemical records in coral skeletons to ascertain past environmental conditions in Florida Bay. Estuaries, vol. 22, No. 2B, p. 384-397. [ABSTRACT] [PDF]

Curran, H.A., Smith, D.P., Meigs, L.C., Pufall, A.E., and Greer, M.L., 1993, The health and short-term changes of two coral patch reefs, Fernandez Bay, San Salvador Island, Bahamas, Colloquium and Forum on Global Aspects of Coral Reefs: Health, Hazards, and History, University of Miami, RSMAS.

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Recent Abstracts                 

Blue denotes undergraduate student co-author

White, M.F.W, McManus, L.R., Greer, L., Curran, H.A., 2016, Quantifying the impacts of El Niño on Acropora cervicornis abundance at Coral Gardens, Belize. GSA Abstracts with Programs Vol. 48, No. 7. doi: 10.1130/abs/2016AM-283818.

Greer, L, Waggoner, T, Guilderson, T, Clark, T, Curran, HA, Busch, J, Lescinsky, H, Wirth, K, Harbor, D, 2016, Coral Gardens Belize: An Acropora spp. refugia identified. 13th International Coral Reef Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii.


DeCorte, I., Wirth, K, Greer, L, Falls, E, 2015, A record of environmental change in Caribbean coral reefs: Sclerochronology and geochemistry of O. faveolata as a paleoclimate proxy at Coral Gardens and Rocky Point, Belize. Abstract PP53C-2359, American Geophysical Union annual meeting, San Francisco. 

Waggoner, T, Greer, L, Guilderson, T, Clark, T, Busch, J, Biegel, J, Lustig, H, Curran, HA, Lescinsky, H, Wirth, K, 2015, Chronological persistence of Acropora cervicornis at Coral Gardens, Belize. GSA Abstracts with Programs Vol. 47, No. 7.

Yates, H, Falls, E, Greer, L, DeCorte, I, Wirth, K., Curran, HA, Leonard-Pingel, J, Greenstein, B, 2015 High resolution isotope sclerochronology reflects changes in the seasonal cycle at Rocky Point, Belize between the last interglacial and present. GSA Abstracts with Programs Vol. 47, No. 7.

Wirth, K, Greer, L, Garver, J, Varga, R, Frey, H, Peck, W, Wobus, RA, 2015, Keck Geology Consortium research experiences: A model for mentoring student researchers and early career faculty. GSA Abstracts with Programs Vol. 47, No. 7.

Wirth, K, Greer, L, Garver, J, Varga, R, Frey, H, Peck, W, Wobus, RA, 2015, Improving undergraduate research experiences with an intentional mentoring program: Lessons learned through assessment of Keck Geology Consortium programs. Abstract ED13D-0909, American Geophysical Union annual meeting, San Francisco. 

Peeling, E., Greer, L., Lescinsky, H., Humston, R., Wirth, K. , Baums, I., and Curran, H.A., 2014, Linear extension rates and gross carbonate production of Acropora cervicornis at Coral Gardens, Belize, , American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting in San Francisco, California, 15-19 Dec.


Martin, Z., Bender, S., Holmes, S., Greer, L., Lescinsky, H., Wirth, K., Curran, H.A., and Stefanic, C., 2014, Effects of the Threespot Damselfish, Stegastes planifrons on a patch reef system: A study of damselfish and urchins at Coral Gardens, Belize, GSA Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 46, No. 6.


Busch, J., Harbor, D., Greer, L., Wirth, K., Lescinsky, H., and Curran, H.A., 2014, Acropora cervicornis abundance assessment and habitat characterization at Coral Gardens, Belize using IKONOS multispectral satellite imagery classification, GSA Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 46, No. 6.


Walker, C.L., Stough, J., Greer, L., Elium, E.M., and Stier, A.F., 2014, Coral Vision: Software for improving efficiency in coral monitoring, 2014 Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing Meeting.

Gjertsen, E.J., Doss, W.C., Greer, L., Curran, H.A., Marchitto, T.M., Glumac, B., and Winsor, K., 2013, Extracting a paleoenvironmental record of mid-Holocene climate from Dominican Republic carbonate serpulid tube geochemistry, GSA Abstracts with Programs Vol. 45, No. 7.


Walker, C.L., Stough, J., Greer, L., Elium, E.M., and Stier, A.F., 2013, Coral Vision: Software for improving efficiency in coral monitoring, GSA Abstracts with Programs Vol. 45, No. 7.


Stier, A.F., Greer, L., Humston, R., Elium, E.M., Stefanic, C.M., and Curran, H.A., 2013, How does parrotfish and urchin bioerosion impact live staghorn coral cover on a patch reef in Belize? GSA Abstracts with Programs Vol. 45, No. 7.


Elium, E.M., Greer, L., Stefanic, C.M., Stier, A.F., Irwin, A.E., and Curran, H.A., 2013, Spatial variation and the survivability of an Acropora cervicornis patch reef in Belize, 2013, GSA Abstracts with Programs Vol. 45, No. 7.


Stefanic, C.M., Greer, L., Stier, A.F., Elium, E.M., Irwin, A.E., Norvell, D., Benson, W.M., and Curran, H.A., 2013, Is Coral Gardens, Belize a refugium for the coral Acropora cervicornis? GSA Abstracts with Programs Vol. 45, No. 7.


Stefanic, C. M., Greer, L., Norvell, D., Benson, W., and Curran, H.A., 2012, Is Echinometra viridis facilitating a phase shift on an Acropora cervicornis patch reef in Belize? Abstract B31A-0408, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting in San Francisco, California, 3-7 Dec.

Greer, L., Benson, W., Curran, H.A., and Sullivan, W., 2012, Acropora cervicornis in Belize: Is staghorn coral coming back? 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns, Australia.

Stough, J., Greer, L., Benson, W., and Sullivan, W., 2012, Color and texture distribution-based classification of live coral. 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns, Australia.

Benson, W., Miller, J., Hubbard, D., Greer, L., 2012, Parsons-Hubbard, Estimating depth related reef accretion patterns off St. John, USVI. 12th International Coral Reef Symposium. Accepted, unable to present. 

Greer, L., Bunn, S., Humston, R., Swart, P.K., Curran, H.A., and Rose, L. E., 2011, The Suess Effect and additional impacts on the carbon isotope composition of a Belizean coral. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting in San Francisco, California


Glumac, B., Berrios, L., Curran, H.A., Greer, L., 2011, Las Caritas, Enriquillo Valley, Southwestern ominican Republic: Is there a link between this Taino indian petroglyph site and springs? Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs Vol. 43, No. 5.


Greer, L., Telfeyan, K., Arienzo, M., Rosenberg, A., Waite, A., Swart, P.K., 2010, Barbados corals as recorders of Amazon River salinity anomalies. Abstract PP11A-1409, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting in San Francisco, California, 13-17 Dec.  

Swart, P.K., Greer, L., Rosenheim, B.E., Moses, C., Winter, A., Dodge, R. and Helmle, K., 2009, 13C Suess effect in scleractinian corals mirror changes in the anthropogenic CO2 inventory of the surface oceans, Eos Trans. American Geophysical Union, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract PP13E-01.

Teneva, L., Greer, L., Patterson, W., 2008, High-resolution Acropora cervicornis δ18O: implications for early Holocene Caribbean temperatures and position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone. 11th International Coral Reef Symposium Abstracts Volume. p. 24.

Burpee, A., Greer, L., Humston, R., and Hubbard, D., 2008, The Effect of Marine Protection on Carbonate Sediment Production in St. Croix, USVI. 11th International Coral Reef Symposium Abstracts Volume. p. 263.

Burpee, A., Humston, R., Greer, L.,  and Hubbard, D., 2008, The Ecological Effects of Marine Preserves in a Grouper-Free and Diadema Rebounding System in St. Croix, USVI. 11th International Coral Reef Symposium Abstracts Volume. p. 510. 

Curran, H.A., Winsor, K., Greer, L., and Glumac, B., 2008, Unusual Serpulid/Tufa Bioherms Cap Corals of a Mid-Holocene Fringing Reef, Dominican Republic: Paleoenvironmental and Climatic Controls. 11th International Coral Reef Symposium Abstracts Volume. p. 4.

Greer, L., Jackson, J., Curran, H.A., Guilderson, T., Patterson, W., Teneva, L., Rhea, E., Shultis, J., 2008, Is Acropora cervicornis a canary in the global warming coal mine?  Lessons from the mid-Holocene Dominican Republic. 11th International Coral Reef Symposium Abstracts Volume. p. 4.    

Winsor, K., Curran, H.A., Greer, L., Glumac, B., and Tibert, N.E., 2007. Regional and climatic contributions to the formation of Holocene serpulid tube/tufa mounds of the Enriquillo Valley, Dominican Republic. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs.

Teneva, L.T., De Wet, C.B., and Greer, L., 2006, Vital effects in Acropora cervicornis corals: Evidence from trace elements and stable isotopes. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, no. 7, p. 66.

Greer, L., Jackson, J.E., Guilderson, T.P., Curran, H.A., Patterson, W.P., Mortlock, R.A., Dyck, K., Teneva, L.T., Taggart, J.R., and Taylor, A., 2006, How vulnerable is Acropora cervicornis coral to climate change? Lessons from the mid-Holocene. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, no. 7, p. 534.

Jackson, J.E., Greer, L., Guilderson, T.P., Curran, H.A., Patterson, W.P., Mortlock, R.A., Dyck, K., Teneva, L.T., 2006, High resolution dating and taphonomy of an Acropora cervicornis reef reveal mid-Holocene reef architecture. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, no. 7, p. 534.

Winsor, K., Curran, H.A., Greer, L., and Glumac, B., 2006, Paleoenvironmental implications of mid-Holocene serpulid tube/tufa mounds and underlying coral colonies, Enriquillo Valley, Dominican Republic. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, no. 7, p. 68.

Medley, P.R., Tibert, N.E., Patterson, W.P., Curran, H.A., Colin, J.P., and Greer, L., 2006, Paleohydrology of middle Holocene lagoonal and lacustrine deposits in the Enriquillo Valley, Dominican Republic: Pore morphometrics and isotope geochemistry of Ostracoda. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, no. 7, p. 444.

Doss, W., Greer, L., Curran, H.A., Patterson, W.P.., and Mortlock, R.A., 2005, Large tufa-coated serpulid worm mounds signal an abrupt Mid-Holocene transition from marine to restricted hyposaline conditions, Lago Enriquillo, Dominican Republic. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs

Jackson, J.E., Greer, L., Guilderson, T.P., Patterson, W.P.., and Mortlock, R.A., 2005, High-resolution dating and characterization of Acropora cervicornis growth in the Enriquillo Valley, 9.45-6.06 Ka (U/Th). Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs


Undergraduate Theses and ENV Capstones Supervised or Co-Supervised


Tanner Waggoner: Chronological Persistence of Acropora Cervicornis at Coral Gardens, Belize, 2016

Hayden Yates: High resolution isotope sclerochronology reflects seasonal cycle changes at Rocky Point Belize between the last interglacial and present, 2016

Joe Beninati: δ13C and δ18O analyses of carbonate concretions and nodules and the evidence for a Cretaceous greenhouse, 2016

Jack Anderson: Playing the dam game: How a proposed hydroelectric dam could trigger Central Asia’s first water war, 2016

Adele Irwin: Relative aging and intraspecific diversity of resilient Acropora communities in Belize using microsatellite markers and somatic mutations, 2015

James Busch: GeoEye-1 multispectral satellite imagery classification: An accurate method for identifying populations of Acropora spp. corals prior to a field study, 2015

Sarah Gray Erickson: Climate change and the community, 2015 (capstone)

Dylan Norvell: Best management practices of an endangered Belizean coral reef, 2013 (capstone)

Matt Benson: Assessment of Live Coral Cover and Carbonate Production Across Time, Depth, and Space in the Caribbean, 2012

Stevenson Bunn: The Suess Effect and other carbon controls on a Belizean coral, 2011 (capstone)

Kathryn Telfeyan: The Effect of Amazon and Orinoco Rivers on the Sea Surface Temperature and Salinity Cycles off Barbados: A Record from Montastrea sp. and Siderastea sp. Corals, 2010

Elizabeth Rhea: Examining δ13C and δ18O composition of skeletal carbonate in scleractinian coral A. cervicornis. 2009

Alexander Burpee: Ecological and sediment flux implications of marine protected status designation for coral reefs, St. Croix, USVI. 2008

Julia Jackson: An analysis of Acropora cervicornis growth in relation to mid-Holocene climate change, Lago Enriquillo, Dominican Republic. 2007

Whitney Doss: Serpulids as indicators of mid-late Holocene climate: Timing and paleoclimate significance of large worm tube aggregates, Lago Enriquillo, Dominican Republic. 2006

Erin Falzareno (secondary advisor with Professor Allison Bell): The importance of Scaglia Rossa Chert as a raw material for human populations throughout prehistory. 2006


Sarah Bender, College of Wooster: Roles of Key Grazing Bioeroders on the Carbonate Budget of Acroporid Corals at Coral Gardens, Belize. 2015


Tom Herold, College of Wooster: Growth patterns of Acropora cervicornis affected by currents at Coral Gardens, Belize. 2015


Ilian DeCorte, Macalester College: Geochemical climatological comparison of O. faveolata along the Belizean Barrier Reef, Belize and calibration of the "clumped isotope" paleothermometer. 2015


Sarah Holmes, Beloit College: Geochemical analysis of Acropora cervicornis rubble and fossil framework at Coral Gardens, Belize: a modern environmental record and its implications for the state of Coral Gardens Reef. 2015


Shannon Dillon, Colgate University: A method for identifying Acropora prolifera and evaluation of its preservation potential at Coral Gardens, Belize. 2015


Zeb Martin, Otterbein University: Living on the edge, understanding how the loss of Acropora cervicornis dominated reefs can magnify negative behaviors and ecological relationships of Stegastes planifrons. 2015


Erin Peeling, Penn State University: A new method for quantifying acroporid reef carbonate production: improving on census-based reef surveys. 2015


Greg Mak, Trinity University: Using Sediments and Substrates to Interpret Regional Hydrodynamics and Ecology of Coral Gardens, Belize. 2015


Gaby Garcia Greco, Oberlin College: The carbonate budget and coral framework stability: quantifying the boring community in the Acropora cervicornis at Coral Gardens, Belize. 2015

Kelsey Winsor, Smith College: The Holocene Contact between Coral Reef Colonies and Serpulid Tube/Tufa Mounds of the Enriquillo Valley, Dominican Republic: Paleonenvironmental Implications. 2007

Lida Teneva, Franklin and Marshall College: Multi-proxy Evaluation of Early Holocene Acropora cervicornis from the Enriquillo Valley, Dominican Republic: Implications for Local Climate dynamics and Coral Biochemistry. 2006

Andy Taylor, Amherst College: High and Low Resolution Stable Isotope Profiles of Holocene Bivalves from the Enriqiullo Valley, Dominican Republic. 2006

Kelsey Dyck, Carleton College: High-resolution δ18O, δ13C, and taphonomy records from Acropora cervicornis coral and implications for mid-Holocene climate: Las Clavellinas, Dominican Republic. 2006

Jean Taggert, Beloit College: Mid-Holocene climate change in southwestern Dominican Republic: Proxy evidence from stable isotope values and molluscan indices. 2006

Pam Medley, Mary Washington University: Paleosalinity History of a Holocene Lagoon in the Enriquillo Valley, Dominican Republic: Pore Morphometric and Isotope Geochemistry of Ostracoda. 2006

Lila Eve Gerald, Smith College: Growth bands in Belizean patch reef corals: their use as paleoclimate indicators. 2003

Galadriel Guerard, Smith College: Environmental indicator proxies from a mid-Holocene coral reef, Lago Enriquillo, Dominican Republic. 2001